Monday 7 April 2008

Well Its Been 5 day's i didnt update my blog coz well lotsa things been happening lately well Good,Bad & well Alot...

Good,Bad & Alot (cant blogg all of it)

Helped Out In School today And It was Tough but Shiok as we were preparing some dishes for the Important Visitors.

Lydia With Her Arranging
Lydia With All The finished Dishes

Our Chef

Went to ryan house to download some programs, play with his cam, Seen Some Cool Games and seeing someone's Pic.. Lol -Top Secret-

Hmm Well Kinda Missed Everyone In School ,Outside Friends, HIHS Friends, All friends That i've made with D :

Hmm Well I STill miss..Haiz..if onli i can Turn back time

???? But Its True No Kidding !!
Hmm Well A Butterfly came To visit in the house and just landed on my finger and well some saying say's it could be someone that you loved or know that had passed away came to give u a visit in a form of a butterfly and well some say Its Just a co·in·ci·dent ...AND Well I missed my LOLA (grandma)...
She was my savour since i was young if not for her, my parents couldn't really do anything to keep me out of harm..
Well Sounds SHIT & Impossible but well since young dad&mum use to tel me everything during my younger day's, I was actually being so called 'being harmed by unatural powers or other words evil spirits' i was like the prey.. but at first i didnt believed it until sumthing happened to me way back in the phil..
Well Dad Went To Singapore Alone To Work and well we were in CEBU in Lapu-Lapu then one night while i was watching tv i kinda saw sumthing in white passed by coz well behind my house is like a forest then kinda told my mum about it then she quickly grab salt and garlic and put it by the window side i (i think i still have that photo of whad i was watching) but then it stop showing up...
- To Be Continued

Then a month later heard from dad he was coming home that particular day, then things started to happen again at nite, Knocking on doors and well firstly i thought it was my dad then opened the door but no one was there and it happened 4 times. My Mum then Again knew that we were attacked by evil spirits and well this time all doors and windows have to be closed, then again someone knock on the door this time my mum told me to check it from the window and well from my view i saw no one there.Then all of my window were like open shut open shut and well me,my mum,my sis got really scared.
Then sumthing in my very F*(%(# Life that i wont forget on that very moment, a white hand punch into my window screen and grabbed my Furkin Hand and well i shouted till all my neighbhour woked up and actually my neighbour went around our house with a shotgun but actually found nothing.. My Neighbour then told us to stay over their house for safety reason.

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