Saturday 2 August 2008

MAnn Today is a tiring day for me coz ran around punggol park for 9 rounds and well timing wasn't that bad i guess it was 23:49:05 ( bad actually). While running saw a friend from church. After The Run around punggol, i walked home and watched tv onced i reachedmy house. Watched MMK tittle of the story was "BITUIN" which means STAR in english. The Story was about a man helping a road side guy (dont really know the term to use)
to pay his fare on the Jeepney coz he had no money to pay the fare and when he was caught people punched & kicked him but then the man stopped all of them from beating him, instead he paid the fare on his behalf, then this man(road-side guy).. Uhm cant really tell the whole story coz very chim to translate..haha... Maybe i'll have the video ASAP so that u guys maybe can take alook than reading my confusing story..Haha..

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